In this post I just wana talk about how I manage my Unreal Engine C ++ environment using Clangd, VS Codium and Apx, talking about why and how did I choose this setup for an optimal development experience. Before kicking off, A huge thanks to unreal-clangd by boocs because of which this is possible :) Why clangd instead of Microsoft’s C++ extension / VS Code ? Well there are several benefits of using clangd, as it is a great language server for C++, and its license allows it to be used in various code editors including VS Code, Codium, Code OSS, neovim, emacs.
Distrobox and Apx lets you use any linux distribution inside your terminal. However in certain ways it can be soo helpful for Game Deployment and Testing. This article focuses on Native Linux deployment and not through compatibility layers like Proton Game Deployment and testing ecosystem on Linux Firstly I would like to touch on how the games are deployed on Linux, the caveats, because it will be important to understand a bit of context before diving into the solutions.